Zee's Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (2nd Edition) - Official Errata

Quantum Theory in a Nutshelll zee

Professor A. Zee asked if I could host a webpage for his errata and clarifications for his book "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (2nd Edition)." ISBN 978-0-691-01019-9

Please send any comments to: zee at kitp.ucsb.edu




p35: 4*5/2 = 10, is possibly more clear as (4*5)/2 = 10.

Zee's QFT Youtube Video lectures

Four lectures on Quantum Field Theory given by Anthony Zee at the African Summer Theory Institute in 2004.

Quantum Field Theory, Anthony Zee | Lecture 1 of 4

Quantum Field Theory, Anthony Zee | Lecture 2 of 4

Quantum Field Theory, Anthony Zee | Lecture 3 of 4

Quantum Field Theory, Anthony Zee | Lecture 4 of 4

Links that Brad has found helpful

For help with your questions: Physics Forums

An Elementary Primer on Gaussian Integrals by William O. Straub

Review notes on tensors: www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~dullemond/lectures/tensor/tensor.pdf